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 TE WHATU ORA  Health New Zealand



Call for possible measles contacts to come forward and contact Healthline

Issued: 27 February 2024


Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora is asking for people who are currently in New Zealand but who travelled in February on international flights to Melbourne, Australia from Dubai and Singapore, to come forward and contact Healthline immediately on 0800 611 116. 


This is in response to Australian health authorities confirming to Health New Zealand / Te Whatu Ora that confirmed measles cases travelled on the following flights:


The flights are:


1: Emirates Airline flight EK408 Dubai to Melbourne:  Departed Dubai 14 February at 2.55am, arrived Melbourne 14 February 2024, 10:50pm


2: Singapore Airlines Flight SQ217 Singapore to Melbourne: Departed Singapore 19 February at 11.05am, arrived Melbourne 19 February 2024, 9.40pm


Latest information about flights and other relevant information can be found on Te Whatu Ora’s Locations of Interest page.


We are asking anyone who travelled on those flights to contact Healthline immediately and to stay home until they receive advice from public health services.  Contacts may already be developing symptoms of measles so it is important to contact Healthline urgently. 


If they do need to seek healthcare, they should phone ahead and wear a mask.


Measles symptoms:

  • early symptoms of measles are similar to other respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19, or the common cold.
  • the illness begins with fever, cough, runny nose, and sore red eyes (conjunctivitis)
  • a rash, beginning on the face and gradually spreading down the body to the arms and legs. The rash lasts for up to one week.



It would be helpful if affected people could also check their immunisation records to share with public health services, either by logging onto My Health Record via https://my.health.nz/ or by contacting their local healthcare provider.


My Health Record is a new secure website where most New Zealanders can view their immunisation records, from the year 2005 onwards.  In the event of any difficulties, or for records prior to 2005, people should contact their local healthcare provider.


Information for people concerned that they have been exposed to measles is available on info.health.nz


It is timely to remind people to check if you are immune to measles.  You are considered immune to measles if you have had two doses of the MMR vaccine, or lived in New Zealand before 1969.  If you are unsure of how many doses of MMR you have had before, for most people it’s safe to get immunised again,” says National Public Health Service national clinical director Dr Susan Jack.


“It is especially important if you are travelling overseas to ensure you are up to date with your immunisations.”


New Zealand is at high risk of a measles outbreak so it is important we all do our bit to prevent the spread of measles in our communities and to protect those at higher risk of severe illness.  This means ensuring we are vaccinated, being aware of symptoms, and seeking advice if these develop,”


More information about measles, the MMR vaccine and how to book one, is available at https://info.health.nz/conditions-treatments/infectious-diseases/measles/


We encourage everyone to remain vigilant for measles and where measles is suspected to stay at home and call your local healthcare provider or Healthline on 0800 611 116 for more advice. 




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